10 Twitter doctors you need to follow today!

Not sure who to follow on Twitter? Here's a list of medical Tweeters that will keep you glued to your phone (in a good way)!

Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
8th Aug 2018 • 5m read

Twitter is all the rage these days (wasn’t it always..?) and even more so in the medical sphere, where medicine and social influence are colliding in a powerful way. Gone are the days when great-quality medical articles, research, and opinion pieces were confined only to the anachronistic pages of a medical journal. In 2018, staying up-to-date with significant developments in medicine is as easy as knowing who to follow. To that end, we’ve compiled a very short list of medical peeps you need to start following today!

For nephrology:

1. Joel Topf | @kidney_boy

Saying the product of the kidneys is urine, is like saying the product of a factory is

pollution. Urine is a by-product. The product is homeostasis.—Joel Topf

Why you should follow: Dr Topf teaches this awesome course and is very active in the Twittersphere, sharing the latest tidbits and news from the nephrology world, with his signature wit.

For cardiology:

2. Andrew Houghton | @arh_cardio

Cardiologist and medical writer with an interest in medical education. Faculty

member at Medmastery and author of the Making Sense series of cardiology books.

Why you should follow: Dr Houghton has taught three of our courses and continues to share his love for teaching on Twitter. He regularly contributes his ideas and highlights fascinating journal articles and guidance papers relevant to those with a leaning towards cardiology.

3. Eric Topol | @EricTopol

Cardiologist. Researcher, @Medscape. Author, The Patient Will See You Now #PWSYN.

Why you should follow: Dr Topol has a deep interest in genomics and AI and always manages to find some really interesting articles that are sure to keep your mind ticking along. We were lucky enough to interview him too!

For digital health:

4. Lisa Gualtieri | @lisagualtieri

Director of Digital Health Communications certificate program. Assistant

Professor @TuftsMedSchool. Founder, RecycleHealth.com.

Why you should follow: Assistant Professor Gualtieri has a clear interest in digital health (she runs a program on it!) and manages to combine that passion with her interest in public health to offer valuable insights you’re unlikely to find elsewhere.

For medical futurism:

5. Berci Meskó | @Berci

Medical futurist. Sci-Fi fanatic. Avid health tracker with a mission to bring future

technologies to medicine and healthcare.

Why you should follow: If you want to glean some serious medical futurist insights, you don’t need to go any further than Dr Mesko! His feed is a goldmine of medical trends, technologies, and startups that will keep you enthralled all day long.

For medical technology, culture, and opinion:

6. Bryan Vartabedian | @Doctor_V

Dispatches from the frontline of technology and medicine. Gastroenterologist to

small people. Writer. Speaker. Anti-disciplinary thinker.

Why you should follow: Dr Vartabedian has one of those voices in the medical world that can articulate what the rest of us only wish we could. Like Mesko, Vartabedian is also an avid technophile, but his strength lies in dissecting what it means for the medical world, right here and now.

For emergency medicine:

7. Mike Cadogan | @sandnsurf

Emergency physician. Former Wallabies and Force doc. Ephemeral disambiguant.

Father of 4. Husband of none. #FOAMed #LITFL #vocortex.

Why you should follow: Dr Cadogan runs the popular FOAMED site, Life In The Fast Lane, and regularly shares articles around critical care medicine, interspersed with medical memes and jokes that will give you a much-needed laugh whenever and wherever you are.

For medtech

8. Oren Fuerst | @orenfu

Digital Health entrepreneur and inventor. Recent creations include @medivizor

@Prepex @my_dario @mentallyapp.

Why you should follow: He invents stuff. Enough said!

9. Geeta Nayyar | @gnayyar

A doctor’s POV on #healthtech, #healthIT Collaboration and Design. Engaging

with #digitalhealth as host of @TopLineMD TV. #HIMSS18 Social Media Ambassador.

Why you should follow: Dr Nayyar works on the frontlines of digital health and is a very active voice and advocate for the change it can bring to the medical industry. She offers some unique and intriguing insights for those interested in the direction medicine is headed, and how it might affect patients and doctors alike.

For medical policy:

10. Leana Wen | @DrLeanaWen

Baltimore City Health Commissioner @BMore_Healthy. Proud to be an

ER doctor. Patient and community advocate.

Why you should follow: Dr Wen is clearly passionate about patient advocacy and this shines throughout her colourful and fascinating Twitter feed. She’s an active Tweeter and is a great doc to follow if you’re interested in this topic.

This is the first of many posts in which we will highlight some awesome doctors hanging around the Twitter watercooler. If you have any suggestions you'd like us to include, please let us know in the comments below!

ACCME accredited, UEMS accredited, Comenius EduMedia Siegel 2017, BMA Highly recommended