The Medmastery Show - Episode #1: Eric Topol | The Success Secrets of a Cardiology Icon

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Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
19th Nov 2014 • 2m read

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  1. You can subscribe to the show on iTunes (recommended)
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About Eric Topol:

Today’s guest is none other than cardiology superstar Eric Topol MD. He’s the Chief Academic Officer of Scripps Health, Director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute, Editor in Chief of Medscape and, he’s the The Gary and Mary West Chair of Innovative Medicine, and co-founder of the West Wireless Health Institute to name just a few.

At the young age of 36, Eric Topol was named Chairman of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic where he helped to catapult the institution into the leading ranks of the field. Eric has received so many honors that it’s beyond the scope of this post to list them all. This is just a short excerpt: He was named Doctor of the Decade by the Institute for Scientific Information. In 2012 the journal „Modern Healthcare“ ranked him as the most influential physician executive in the US. In 2009 GQ magazine elected Eric to be one of 12 physcician rockstars. He was elected into the Institute of Medicine by the National Academy of Science and the list goes on and on.

In 2012 he published the seminal Book "The crative desctruction of medicine“ that has been all over the media. It has become hugely popular especially among tech-savvy physicians. His book and his initiatives at Scripps have made him the figurehead of all things on the intersection of medicine and technology. So he’s been featured and interviewed on popular TV show like Colbert Nation and his TED talk has been viewed over 600.000 times. He’s been featured on the Economist, CSpan and Techcrunch.

And even though he’s such an acclaimed physician, he has remained approachable and ready to share his wisdom with the world.

In this episode you will learn:

  • What skills are most valuable for a young doctor
  • What character traits will keep you from being successful
  • What was the best advice he ever got from a mentor
  • What he would recommend to his 20 year old self
  • How to approach someone who could potentially become your mentor.
  • What books Eric recommends
  • How Eric spends his mornings
  • How he keeps up with all the information overflow
  • How Eric uses Twitter to stay productive and up-to-date
  • What to do if you find yourself in a position that won’t let you maximize your full potential
  • How to stay motivated
  • How Eric structures his mornings so he’s energized and up-to-date
  • How to choose the right projects to work on
  • And much, much more

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