Cathy is the former Principal Echocardiography Technician at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London. Currently she works as a cardiac scientist at Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital in Brisbane Australia.
Why I love to teach
I"m a regular conference presenter and have been teaching echo for over 20 years as a faculty member in various undergraduate and postgraduate university programs. I’m really passionate about elevating people’s understanding of echocardiography. Congenital heart disease in adults is my favorite subspeciality.
Courses with Cathy
Latest articles with Cathy
Assessing Ebstein's anomaly
In this video, you'll discover the cause of Ebstein's anomaly, the commonly associated lesions, and which cardiac elements are involved.
Evaluating coarctation repairs
In this video, from our Echo Masterclass: Adult Congenital Heart Disease course, you'll learn about what can go wrong after a coarctation repair, how to evaluate a repair long after it's been done, and the important things to keep in mind.
Diagnosing double-chambered right ventricles
In this video, you'll learn about double-chambered right ventricles (DCRVs), why they occur, and some tricks that you can use to help you make a sound diagnosis using echo.
Recognizing common post-repair complications
In this video, from our Echo Masterclass: Adult Congenital Heart Disease course, we'll take you through the reasoning behind the surgical strategies used to repair an AVSD and show you what to look for on a post-operative echo, if you suspect a complication.
Grasping the basics of simple transpositions
We'll take you on a trip down surgical memory lane to discuss the various approaches used in treating simple transpositions and why knowing about this is crucial to performing a successful echo.
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