Using thionamides in hyperthyroidism

Endocrinologist Tracy Tylee, MD will explain when to use thionamide in your patients and when to not.

Tracy Tylee, MD
Tracy Tylee, MD
16th Aug 2017 • 2m read

In this video from our Thyroid Disease Masterclass, endocrinologist Tracy Tylee MD will explain when to use thionamides in your patients and when NOT to use it.

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Video Transcript

[00:00:00] For patients with hyperthyroidism, due to overproduction of thyroid hormone, one treatment option is the use of anti-thyroid medications. There are three medications available for this with methimazole available in the United States; propylthiouracil and Carbimazole available in Europe and Asia. Normal thyroid hormone production involves the coupling of iodine to a thyroglobulin molecule, which is then converted to T4 or T3 and

[00:00:30] secreted into the bloodstream. The thionamides block the coupling of iodine and thyroglobulin and thus, block the synthesis of thyroid hormone. The thionamides are a good option for patients with Grave's disease, particularly those with active eye disease, where other treatments may be contraindicated. They are also a good option for pregnant women, where radioiodine would be contraindicated and surgery would not be a preferred treatment option. There are also good options for patients with very high thyroid hormone levels, when you want to gain control of their hyperthyroidism,

[00:01:00] prior to considering other therapies. There are some side effects from these medications. The most common being a rash, which can occur in up to 10% of patients. The other side effects are very rare but can be potentially life-threatening so you do need to be aware of those and they include agranulocytosis and hepatotoxicity. Once therapy has started, you want to measure thyroid hormone levels, initially, every 4 to 8 weeks until the patient reaches normal thyroid hormone levels. The TSH can lag behind a bit

[00:01:30] so you do not want to measure this initially but can be used for monitoring long-term therapy.