Medical internship survival course: using a mnemonic for patient handoff

Communication errors during handoff account for about 80% of medical errors! In this lesson, you’ll learn how to perform a structured and systematic handoff based on the 5 S’s mnemonic.

Kelley Chuang, MD MA
Kelley Chuang, MD MA
28th Jun 2022 • 1m read

Communication errors during handoff account for about 80% of medical errors! In this lesson, you’ll learn how to perform a structured and systematic handoff based on the 5 S’s mnemonic.

Join our Internship Survival Essentials now!

The intern year is very stressful. To make the transition into clinical work easier you will learn the most important skills every good intern needs. Learn to present on rounds, document clinical data, do patient handoffs, and handle common on-call complaints like nausea, constipation, or pain.

Common on-call issues, handoffs, presenting on rounds, documentation—learn all the essential clinical skills to thrive in your intern year!

ACCME accredited, UEMS accredited, Comenius EduMedia Siegel 2017, BMA Highly recommended