10 Indispensable Benefits of Teaching Medicine Online

As a busy clinician, teaching can be the best decision you ever make. Check out these 10 indispensable benefits of teaching medicine online!

Amol Shrikhande, MD
Amol Shrikhande, MD
24th May 2021 • 3m read

In order to achieve our mission at Medmastery, we are always on the lookout for the best teachers the world has to offer. But finding those teachers can be easier said than done.Why? Because great teachers usually have a ton of stuff on their plate. That said, if you happen to be a clinician who is also passionate about teaching, carving out time in your crazy schedule to teach can be one of the best decisions you ever make. Here are 10 indispensable benefits of teaching medicine online.

Embrace your creative side

Sure, you may have endured endless lectures and massive textbooks. But modern medical education is a much more dynamic space. Educators are embracing the latest ways of learning, often integrating fresh content from multiple sources to help cement a point and improve engagement. In this new paradigm, teaching has become a distinctly creative endeavor.

Regain that youthful enthusiasm

Since you have to first learn in order to then teach, you’ll be reminded about the marvels of modern medicine. In other words, you’ll recall what drew you to the profession in the first place. Stated yet another way, you’ll feel young again.

Help the next generation

We all want to make the world a better place. And what better way to do that than by passing on your knowledge. By doing so, the next generation has a tremendous starting point, allowing them to build even further, much in the same way you added to what was bestowed upon you.

Become an expert

There’s nothing like questions from students to motivate you to build up your knowledge. You’ll find yourself preparing more thoroughly than if you were learning for yourself, thereby acquiring a much deeper understanding of the subject. Albert Einstein once said: "If you cannot explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough." The bottom line is that being able to explain something clearly is a sign that you grasp the subject thoroughly. When you achieve this level, you’re an expert.

Establish yourself as a leader

The best teachers also tend to be the best leaders. And we're not talking about the people who are loud and in your face. We're talking about the people who are so knowledgeable that those surrounding them can only marvel and follow the lead. That's called leading by example.

Extend your reach

When you're a gifted teacher, you have the ability to positively influence those around you. In some cases, that gift is so profound that it's almost a shame it can't be shared more broadly. At Medmastery, we can take your skills and give them the reach they deserve. Our online learning platform is used by learners on six continents.

Earn extra income

Great teachers are rarely drawn to the call of duty by money. And not all teaching platforms are even designed to generate income. But let's face it. A little extra income never hurts, and we truly believe that the finest educators deserve that perk. At Medmastery, we’re able to make this fringe benefit a reality.

Enjoy some call-free time

In your hectic world, being on call and working weekends is par for the course. But when you teach, you're in charge of your time. Take away all the multitasking and the distractions, and it's a lot easier to remember that the subject matter you're teaching is, quite frankly, exhilarating.

Dominate technology

We've come a long way since the days of the overhead projector. In order to educate in the modern age, a multimedia approach has become an expectation. The integration of audio, video and text can make for a top-notch educational experience for students, not to mention the teacher who has to learn how to make it happen.

Achieve personal growth

Putting it all together, you get to be creative, regain a youthful enthusiasm, help the next generation, become an expert, navigate the modern technological universe and even earn some extra income. That sounds like the perfect formula for the priceless something that we all aim to achieve—personal growth.

At Medmastery, our mission can be defined simply—to empower clinicians through education. To make that happen, we have teamed up with the best medical educators to create award-winning online courses together.

If you, too, would like to enjoy the benefits of teaching medicine online and show the world what a great educator you are, please contact us today. We would be delighted to speak with you!

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