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Chapter 1


In this chapter, you’ll learn about the indications and tools for arthrocentesis, labs to check, and how to perform the procedure in the knee, ankle, wrist, shoulder, and elbow.
8 lessons
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Chapter 3

Reductions of other joints

In this chapter, you’ll learn about the anatomy of the jaw, prosthetic hip, and elbow, as well as how to manage dislocations in each of these joints.
6 lessons
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Chapter 4

Abscess drainage

This chapter covers the diagnosis and treatment of small, large, peritonsillar, and Bartholin’s abscesses, as well as patients presenting with paronychia.
8 lessons
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Chapter 5

Priapism management

Here, we’ll cover various causes of priapism as well as the algorithm, tools, and medications used to treat it. You’ll also learn how to perform a corpus cavernosum injection.
4 lessons
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Chapter 6


In this chapter, we’ll cover the indications for a cricothyrotomy procedure. You’ll learn how to perform the procedure and view it being conducted on a human cadaver.
6 lessons
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Teachers of this course
Image of Siamak Moayedi, MD
Siamak Moayedi, MD
Professor and Director of Medical Student Education, University of Maryland and Course Director, Essential and Critical Procedures, Emergency Medicine.
University of Maryland
Teacher Profile