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Chapter 1

Getting the basics right

Rethink echo views in congenital heart disease. Here, you’ll learn how to differentiate chambers in a familiar adult echo orientation and master sequential segmental analysis.
4 lessons
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Chapter 3

Atrioventricular septal defects

Here, you’ll learn how atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD) develop, how to differentiate between variations of AVSD, and what to look for in a patient after an AVSD repair.
4 lessons
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Chapter 4

Left ventricular outflow lesions

Learn how to identify the level of left-sided outflow obstruction—from subaortic stenosis to around the bend in the aortic arch—and how to assess a repaired coarctation.
6 lessons
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Chapter 5

Coronary artery disease

Explore the effects of coronary artery disease (CAD) on young people. Here, you’ll cover Kawasaki disease in toddlers and the differences between acquired CAD and congenital CAD.
4 lessons
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Chapter 6

Ebstein anomaly

Ebstein anomaly isn't solely a valve problem. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to use echo to identify and assess patients with Ebstein anomaly and common lesions linked to it.
3 lessons
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Chapter 7

Right ventricular outflow lesions

Master right ventricular outflow lesions. Here, you’ll learn how to recognize pulmonary stenosis, identify outflow lesions, and diagnose double-chambered right ventricles.
4 lessons
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Chapter 8

Tetralogy of Fallot

This chapter dives deep into Tetralogy of Fallot. Learn all about its anatomical findings, repair techniques, and the common complications seen in adulthood.
3 lessons
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Teachers of this course
Image of Cathy West, M.Sc FASE
Cathy West, M.Sc FASE
Cathy is a Principal Echocardiography Technician at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London.
Royal Brompton Hospital
Teacher Profile