Screening for manic symptoms

Distinguishing between unipolar and bipolar depression helps guide treatment options. Learn how to use the DIGFAST mnemonic to quickly screen for manic symptoms indicative of bipolar disorder in your patients.

Jessica L. Langenhan, MD MBA CHCQM
Jessica L. Langenhan, MD MBA CHCQM
22nd Nov 2022 • 1m read
Screening for manic symptoms

It has been suggested that in 40% of patients later diagnosed with bipolar depression, they were first diagnosed with unipolar major depressive disorder (MDD) because manic symptoms were either not reported or not screened for.1 In this lesson, we’ll share the key questions you should ask to assess for mania in your patients, as well as show you how to recognize the red flags in their medical history that could help diagnose bipolar disorder.

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