Primary care clinicians can treat cutaneous and musculoskeletal conditions

Who says that primary care clinicians can’t perform dermatological and musculoskeletal procedures? Certainly not us! That's why we brought in Stephen Holt to show you how to treat the most common musculoskeletal and cutaneous conditions.

Stephen R. Holt, MD
Stephen R. Holt, MD
3rd May 2023 • 1m read
Primary care clinicians can treat cutaneous and musculoskeletal conditions

Just because you’re not a dermatologist doesn’t mean you aren’t able to treat dermatological issues like skin tags or common musculoskeletal conditions. Take a minute to meet Stephen Holt and find out what procedures you will learn by taking our Outpatient Procedures course. 


Become a great clinician with our video courses and workshops

Are you confident performing joint injections or aspirations in your office? What about treating trigger fingers or pesky warts?

Learn seventeen of the most common musculoskeletal and cutaneous outpatient procedures. Safely administer anesthesia, diagnose and treat common pathologies, and minimize complications without having to refer your patients to a specialist or senior colleague.

ACCME accredited, UEMS accredited, Comenius EduMedia Siegel 2017, BMA Highly recommended