Assessing perfusion and congestion in heart failure patients

Perfusion and congestion should be quickly assessed in heart failure patients in order to guide treatment. Learn when you should use IV vasodilators and diuretics, and to identify when positive inotropes are indicated.

Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
13th Dec 2022 • 1m read
Assessing perfusion and congestion in heart failure patients

Warm and wet or cold and dry? These terms may not immediately make sense to you, but after watching this lesson, they will! You’ll learn how to quickly divide acutely decompensated heart failure patients into four groups for treatment based on their perfusion and congestion status.

Start the first chapter of our Medical Treatment of Heart Failure course for free

Do you know what combination of diuretic, ACE inhibitor or ARB, and beta-blocker is best for your patient with heart failure? You will master the appropriate ACC / AHA guideline-directed medical therapy for patients in stage A, B, C, and D heart failure, as well as learn to treat acute decompensations. Confidently assess and manage heart failure patients with this course.


Master the different stages of heart failure, prescribe the appropriate medications, and manage acute decompensations.


ACCME accredited, UEMS accredited, Comenius EduMedia Siegel 2017, BMA Highly recommended