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Chapter 1

Patient preparation for TEE

By the end of this chapter you will know when a TEE should be ordered, how to prepare your patient for the exam, and how to avoid complications.
5 lessons
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Chapter 5

Assessment of the aortic valve

In this chapter, you will learn how to undertake a full TEE assessment of the aortic valve.
6 lessons
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Chapter 6

Assessment of the left atrium and appendage

Here we’ll show you how to undertake a full TEE assessment of the left atrium and its appendage.
5 lessons
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Chapter 7

Assessment of the interatrial septum

Learn how to undertake a full TEE assessment of the interatrial septum, with particular emphasis on PFO and ASD.
5 lessons
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Chapter 8

Assessment of the pulmonary veins

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to undertake a full TEE assessment of the pulmonary veins.
4 lessons
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Teachers of this course
Image of Andrew R. Houghton, MD
Andrew R. Houghton, MD
Cardiologist, cardiac imaging specialist, and head of cardiac imaging at Grantham and District Hospital in the UK.
NHS United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust
Teacher Profile